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Chronic Kidney Disease - Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Chronic Kidney Disease - Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
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in Dialysis Support Group - “UTSAAH”

Apr 19, 2022

There is a distending rise in incidence of chronic kidney disease mainly due to increased prevalence of diabetes and hypertension.

Early diagnosis is very important in CKD Patients. In early stage we can cure the disease but as the disease progresses we can just slow the rate of progression but cannot completely cure the disease.

So a regular health check up is very important, especially in risk group population that is suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension and have a family history of kidney disease, suffer from obesity, experience recurrent urinary tract infections and use any analgesic.

It is important to highlight that in initial stages of CKD ,there may not be any symptom related to kidney disease. But few of symptoms which are listed below should raise our doubts and we should work up further to confirm the diagnosis.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Common symptoms associated with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. Nausea & Vomiting.
  3. Weakness, Fatigue and weight loss.
  4. Swelling in feet and face.
  5. Hypertension especially in young age or uncontrolled.
  6. Sleep problem,lack of concentration
  7. Itching,muscle cramps or restlessness.
  8. Urge to pass urine more after especially in night.
  9. Pain in bones and and increased incidence of Fracture.

Initial Investigations to diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) include:-

Initial investigation include blood & urine examination, ultrasonography. In some conditions co stein test including CT Scan, MRI & Renal Biopsy may be needed. In special cases some other investigation like MCUG, RCUG may be recommended.

Since prevention is better than cure, control of blood sugar levels is an important step. One should also opt for regular physical activities and regular check ups for prevention o early diagnosis of any health anomaly. Treatment consist of management of basic disease management of complication arising out of kidney disease, like use of diuretics ,treatment of anemia  and supportive medication. In last stage, where kidney function detoriates to such an extent where life survival is not possible without renal replacement therapy – in such conditions patients may need Dialysis or Renal Transplantation.

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