
FSH levels: Testing for menopause and fertility

FSH levels: Testing for menopause and fertility
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in Gynecology & Obstetrics

Apr 19, 2022

FSH levels, estrogen and testosterone levels can be detected by a simple blood test. In women, follicle-stimulating hormone helps to mature the ovarian follicles that free the eggs. FSH levels can be examined in both genders to assess the fertility or to see if a woman is going through menopause.

A level of 10-15 is concerning. It focuses on  the initial stages of diminished egg reserve to low egg supply. An FSH of 15-20 indicates a definite low supply of eggs. Normal pregnancies in women with an FSH over 20 are quite rare except in woman under the age  group of 30. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is secreted from a small gland in the brain known the anterior pituitary. In women, follicle-stimulating hormone helps to mature the ovarian follicles that release the eggs. Men’s bodies use FSH to help the growth and development of sperm.Without the release of FSH, a woman cannot continue her reproductive cycle  and her ovaries will not release an egg. FSH levels can be examined in both partners to assess fertility, or to see if a woman is going through menopause. Doctors can do a blood test to measure FSH levels. When FSH levels are too low (as may be seen in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS), or too high as may be seen in women experiencing premature menopause it can harden  your ability to become pregnant. A normal FSH level for a woman hoping to conceive is typically low  to upto 10mIU/ml. Older women have higher FSH levels due to ovarian maturing; since the ‘older’ ovary needs more stimulation in order to stimulate egg follicles  FSH levels increase with increasing age group. Women who experience PCOS (‘Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’) have less  FSH levels and either ovulate erratically or do not ovulate at all.

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