
Home Care for Low Back Pain

Home Care for Low Back Pain
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Apr 19, 2022

Back pain is a common problem that may become serious if ignored. Many a times, muscle strain can cause back pain and it often needs no specialist help to cure. Still there are a few things that can ease the pain and help make you comfortable. The common treatments like a heating pad or warm baths in salt water may also provide temporary pain relief. So here are few recommendations for best home care for low back pain. If the pain still persists, it best not to ignore it and seek help from a specialist.

The Bed Rest Debate
In case of back pain, you may not feel like getting out of bed. If muscle strain is the cause of your back pain, doctors recommend that you return to your normal routine at the earliest. According to studies, a bed rest of more than a day or two can make the pain worse and result in reduction of muscle tone and flexibility.

Yoga can help relieve back pain. As per one study, people who took 12 weeks of yoga classes had fewer symptoms of low back pain as compared to those who were given a book about back pain care. The benefits lasted several months after the classes were over. The study suggested that conventional stretching also has similar benefits as yoga.

Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation technique is used by chiropractors and some osteopathic doctors to treat low back pain. In this, pressure is applied to bones and surrounding tissues. This treatment is not appropriate for everyone.

Over the counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen may help easy regular back pain. Pain-relieving creams and gels may also help for muscle strains. In case of severe or chronic pain, your doctor may prescribe medication.

Strengthening the Back
Strength training techniques that may help in relieving back pain are flexion and extension exercises. In flexion exercises, you bend forward and stretch the muscles of the back and hips. In extension exercises, you bend backward to exercise your spine. Before following this advice, make sure to talk to your doctor about what exercises are safe for you.

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