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Now a No Scar Cardiac Surgery Possible!

Now a No Scar Cardiac Surgery Possible!
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in Cardiac Surgery

Apr 19, 2022

A methodology to provide a No Scar Cosmetic Cardiac Surgery Procedure.

Cardiac Surgery procedure

  • Why is the concept of MICS not that popular in India?

Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery is performed aggressively in developed countries, however in India the trend is yet to be replicated. This delay is due to the gap in expertise, skill and precision. This revolutionizing procedure ensures that patients are treated with minimum scars, less pain and improved results. At Paras we ensure that by proper patient selection the best surgical results are achieved. Also this is a specialized procedure and not everyone is a candidate for the same.

  • From the surgeon’s perspective, are minimally invasive procedures more difficult considering there isn’t direct, open access to the heart?

Definitely! What we are attempting to do is evolving a major cardiac surgery into something similar to a general day care laparoscopic surgery. Just imagine the impact of the same on the psych of the patient. At present the patients are traumatized by the very thought of their breast bone being cut. Skill, precision and the use of specialized instruments is exceptionally essential. A surgeon needs to trust himself and his team of specialists.

  •  Has the percentage of minimally invasive procedures increased over the past few years? If so, why?

Definitely, the numbers have increased, however the same is not exponential. This is because you need skill, precision and training to perform the same. Moreover, specialized instruments are also required. Hospitals usually either lack trained manpower or don’t have the resources for new instruments. The medical colleges also don’t provide any specialized and recognized training for MICS. The same is purely dependent on the will, skill and learning bent of mind of the doctors. Due to all these reasons the patient awareness for the same is also less. However, with the advent of training programs the popularity & demand of this specialized procedure is definite to rise.

  • Can you estimate what percent of your operations require some form of minimally invasive procedures?

We try and treat every patient that walks into our portals with MICS. However not every patient is suitable for the same. At present 50% of our cases are treated through MICS technique.

  • What minimally invasive cardiac surgeries does Paras Hospitals offer?

The minimally invasive heart surgery procedures performed at Paras Hospitals have demonstrated that it is a safe and broadly applicable technique for performing a wide range of complex heart procedures, including single or multiple heart valve procedures, bypass surgery, congenital heart repairs, and reoperations.

Most patients are candidates for minimally invasive heart surgery which has become the preferred approach at Paras Hospitals for the majority of our heart surgery patients, including:

  • Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement
  • Aortic Valve Replacement
  • Atrial Septal Defects
  • Coronary Artery Bypass

To know more email at [email protected]

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