
Signs you need to note in your spouse to check depression and self harm

Signs you need to note in your spouse to check depression and self harm
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in Psychiatry and Psychology

Apr 19, 2022

Depression isn’t caused by any one thing. It can be caused by stress, chronic illness, or chemicals in the brain. Depression sometimes runs in families, so someone with a close relative who has depression may be more likely to experience depression.

Everyone feels sad or down sometimes, it is important to pay attention when the feelings, thoughts and behaviors are very intense, go on too long and get in the way of life. Some symptoms can be dangerous or risky so it is very important to talk.


  • Sad mood,
  • Irritability, anger, or hostility
  • Hard time sleeping or sleeping too much
  • No energy, bored
  • Extreme sensitivity to things that happen
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Physical aches and pains such as headaches or stomachaches


  • Down on self, thoughts of not being worth anything, or not being lovable
  • Hopeless that things can change
  • Believe cannot change things for the better
  • No or less interest in socializing with friends
  • Thinking it would be better to be dead, thoughts of killing self


  • Withdrawing , isolating from people
  • Poor communication
  • Crying about little things or crying lot
  • Talking about or trying to run away from home
  • Alcohol or substance abuse
  • Hurting self on purpose, suicide attempt

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