
Skin and Ageing Issues

Skin and Ageing Issues
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in Dermatology

Apr 19, 2022

Ageing is inevitable, dynamic and continuous process .Ageing is largely evident on the skin as it is the largest organ of the body. It is a part of life and is a natural process that affects various organs , especially your skin. Skin Ageing can be bifurcated as Intrinsic or Extrinsic

Intrinsic skin ageing  – It is due to genetic factors and changes in sex hormones. It manifests as :

  • Dry and rough skin because of loss of water retaining capacity causes intense itching
  • Wrinkles appear due to repeated muscle traction , loss of fat and gravitational force which gradually are evident even without expression
  • Loss of elastic tissue (elastin) causes the skin to become loose and slack
  • Pigmentary changes like Melasma , Age spots
  • Blood vessels also loose there elasticity causes easy bruising
  • Appearance of skin tags and benign tumours

Skin and Ageing Issues in Women

Extrinsic skin ageing – It is affected by external factors:

  • UV radiation
  • Stress
  • Dietary habits
  • Pollution

Management of ageing to protect the skin:

1) Sun protection

  • Use an effective sunscreen with SPF more than 30
  • Use of umbrella and broad rimmed hat while going outdoors.

2) Adequate use of moisturiser to prevent dry skin

3) Quit Smoking

4) Avoid stress

4) Diet modification – eat plenty of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and regular exercise medical and surgical intervention

Medical management of skin ageing –

There are many cosmeceuticals available which can delay ageing and repair the damage –

1) Topical cream like Retinoids, Vitamin C creams

2) Chemical peel like Glycolic peels, Lactic peels made of fruit acids exfoliate the dead skin, reduce pigmentation and causes skin tightening by production of new collagen

3) Microdermabrasion – it causes exfoliation and skin rejuvenation

4) Botox- Botulinum toxin in injectable form relaxes the overactive muscle causes reduction in wrinkles

5) Fillers – synthetic hyaluronic acid are available in injectable forms which fills the folds and wrinkles

6) Thread lifts – Synthetic threads are inserted over the slack and sagging parts of the skin which pulls and tightens the skin

7) Fractional Co2 laser rejuvenation and tightening of skin using radiofrequency probes and high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)

Surgical therapy

  1. Excision of skin tags, benign tumours using CO2 surgical removal
  2. Fat transplantation for Rejuvenation.

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