
Things To Keep In Mind For Vaccinating Those Over Age Of 60

Things To Keep In Mind For Vaccinating Those Over Age Of 60
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in Pulmonology

Apr 19, 2022

With a large chunk of India’s population has already received one covid vaccination dose, and more citizens registering for vaccines daily, it can be useful to learn some tips for getting vaccinated and certain precautions before taking the COVID vaccine. With the amount of COVID and Omicron related information everyone has to learn and remember daily, one can easily get confused regarding the things to do before vaccination and what not to do after the COVID vaccine shot. Whether you’re getting your vaccine for the first time or have registered for the covid booster dose, here are some tips on what to do before and after the COVID vaccine:

what to do before and after the COVID vaccine booster shot, here are some important COVID and Omicron related information to keep in mind

Things to do before after covid vaccine

  1. Eat Healthily – Since the covid vaccine will temporarily weaken your body as it struggles to build antibodies that will help you in the future, it is of utmost importance that those over sixty (60) eat healthy and hearty meals before getting vaccinated. This includes diverse foods from each food group, including an adequate portion of protein and carbohydrates, along with ensuring a diet full of fiber, probiotics, and several servings of fruits or vegetables.
  2. Avoid Heavy Foods Before – One of the things to do before getting vaccinated includes avoiding spicy and excessively fried food as it may further lead to sluggishness and reduce your overall health. However, it is equally important to not starve yourself before getting vaccinated.
  3. Eat Frequently – While you may not have much of an appetite after the covid dose has been administered, one of the precautions after COVID vaccination 1st dose is to still try and eat frequent meals, even if they are smaller in size. If you can’t seem to stomach more substantial food, easily digestible food like curd still must be eaten.
  4. Avoid Unhealthy Habits – What not to do after the COVID vaccine shot includes avoiding unhealthy habits that may further weaken your immune system. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be shelved as they negatively affect your immunity and might increase your risk of infection.
  5. Keep yourself well hydrated – You may be having a fever after the covid vaccine dose. Enough water intake helps you there. If you notice fever or pain, common paracetamol pills can take care of it.

These tips for getting vaccinated can help make your vaccination process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

For those wondering specifically what to do before and after the COVID vaccine booster shot, here are some important COVID and Omicron related information to keep in mind:

  • There will be no mixing of vaccines for the booster dose. The third precautionary dose administered will be the same as the previous two for every citizen.
  • There has to be a nine-month gap between getting the second and third vaccine for better immunization.
  • The third covid vaccine dose can be easily booked on CoWIN and no special registration is required.
  • With this COVID 19 vaccine knowledge questionnaire, you can go for your vaccination fully prepared and can make the process quick and effective by keeping in mind exactly what to do after vaccination. Remember these tips for getting vaccinated and register for either dose of the covid vaccine, or the booster dose, on CoWIN if you haven’t already for a safer future.

These tips for getting vaccinated can help make your vaccination process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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