
What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
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in Endocrinology

Apr 19, 2022

Generally, individuals having diabetes either completely lack insulin which is known as type 1 diabetes or they have very little insulin or can’t effectively use insulin which is known as type 2 diabetes.

  • Type 1 diabetes was earlier known as juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes. It accounts for around 5% to 10% of total people with diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system of the body destroys the cells releasing insulin, consequently, removing the production of insulin from the body. With no insulin, our cells can’t absorb glucose or sugar, required for producing energy.
  • Type 2 diabetes was earlier known as non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes. It develops at any age and becomes most commonly appearing in adulthood. Currently, type 2 diabetes is also occurring in children. 90-95% diabetics have type 2 diabetes. The body is unable to use the insulin right away in a type 2 diabetes. This is known as insulin resistance. The pancreas makes lesser and lesser insulin with the progress of type 2 diabetes. This is referred to as insulin deficiency.

Differences between Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes :

Type 1 diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
Symptoms generally commence during childhood or even in young adulthood. Individuals often seek medical assistance as they suddenly fall ill due to sudden symptoms of a high blood sugar levels An individual may not have the symptoms prior to diagnosis. Generally the disease is identified during adulthood, however, an increased lot of children have been diagnosed with this disease.
Episodes of the low level of blood sugar or hypoglycemia are common There are no episodes of the low level of blood sugar until the individual takes insulin or some diabetes medicines.
It is not preventable It is preventable or can be delayed by leading a healthy lifestyle, sensible diet, regular exercise and by maintaining healthy body weight.

Similarities associated with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes:

Both the types of diabetes remarkably raise an individual’s risk of suffering from several serious complications. Although monitoring & management of the disease could prevent complications, diabetes still remains a major cause of blindness & kidney failure. It even continues to be critical risk factor for stroke, heart disease, leg or foot amputations.

If you or your loved one is suffering from diabetes, it is best that you consult a diabetes specialist or an internal medicine doctor at the earliest. Please note that diabetes cannot be cured completely, it can only be managed with the right medication and medical treatment.


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