
Yoga and Men's Health

Yoga and Men's Health
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in Internal Medicine

Apr 19, 2022

Yoga is universally beneficial for everybody whether men, women children or elderly. Men can have the benefits of yoga by devoting time to it. Yoga helps in keeping the body and mind healthy. There is an age-old saying – ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. Yoga validates this statement and highlights that is the one of the main pillars for strength and fitness.

One can prevent numerous diseases by doing regular yoga. In fact studied have highlighted that one can control his mind by practicing yoga regularly. This helps in avoiding anxiety, tension, depression and aggression. A cool tension free mind is essential for day to day life activities and will prevent any accident. Through yoga and with a balanced mind numerous physical injuries can be prevented. Men doing yoga are not involved in road rage because they are calm and cool.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • Yoga keeps heart rate under control thus preventing palpitations and the blood pressure is controlled. Hence the chances of heart attack and brain attack (stroke) are reduced.
  • Blood sugar is also under control while practicing yoga, thus diabetes is prevented. Even if a person is diabetic or hypertensive, doing yoga will keep them under control.
  • Regular practice of yoga helps in preventing long term complications of high BP and sugar. Thus damage to heart, lungs, brain and kidneys are prevented.
  • Many joint problems can be prevented, controlled and cured by yoga. Yoga improves the power of muscles. Joints became more flexible and strong.
  • Yoga helps in proper utilization of food in the body. Better oxygen supply to tissues and organ helps in preventing diseases and disabilities.
  • Yoga helps in increasing longevity. It prevents premature deaths. So, yoga improves the quality of life. Life becomes more productive, illness free and enjoyable.
  • Yoga helps in preventing recurrent cold, cough and fever caused by seasonal viruses. This helps in preventing sickness absenteeism in offices and factories. This improves the working performance of the workers.
  • Teachers and student are equally benefitted by increasing concentration, memory and attention.
  • Yoga improves relationships in families and societies.

Important aspects of Yoga:

If yoga becomes universal crime rate will go down, thus protecting and promoting society in general. Thus practicing yoga helps men in living ideally – physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

  • Yoga is preventive, helping in avoiding diseases and disabilities.
  • Yoga is promotive for positive health, improving outputs and outcomes.
  • Yoga is curative for many diseases conditions like anxiety-tension acidity asthma weakness lethargy.
  • Yoga is palliative for many diseases like diabetes, high BP, heart diseases, asthma COPD, Cancer, Colitis etc.


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