Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024


About Dr. Ahmad Abdul Hai:

Dr. Ahmad Abdul Hai

With 43 years of experience as a doctor, Dr. Ahmad Abdul Hai is one of the senior doctors of Patna. He has over 30 years of teaching experience and retired as professor and head of general surgery department from PMCH. He is currently director (general surgeon) in PARAS HMRI Hospital. Here, he speaks about Doctor’s Day and his though on the profession.

 What would be your message on Doctor’s Day?

The profession of physicians has been noble since ages. It is true that some of us today have deviated from our original path. The mischief of few have cast a shadow on the profession. But, it still remains noble. On this day i extend my congratulations to all doctors and convey special thanks to paramedical staff members, who help us serve all.

 Why is treatment becoming costlier?

People’s expectations have increased. They demand better facilities for diagnosis and treatment of their ailments. The days, when patients contently left with neem leaf prescribed by a ‘haakim’ are behind us. Today, people with even the simplest of medical problems look for good treatment facilities. The rise in cost can also be attributed to our dependency on advanced machinery for diagnosis and treatment. Naturally, so as the machines need high maintenance and are costly themselves.

So, the costs can never be reined in?

Unless we start developing indigenous technologies, it can’t be. Cost of medicine in India is low, as we make them here. In contrast, most machines are imported, which increase their cost. And since medical treatment today is heavily depended on those machines and technologies, it is costly.

Have reports of cheating in MBBS examination affected the image of doctors?

People’s trust doesn’t get affected due to this. But in our defence, I’ll say that doctors are not descended from heaven but are born in the society. So, a society having 10% crooks will see crooks in medical professional too, just like any other profession. You may have a corrupt doctor in the same way you might have a corrupt advocate, policeman and politician.

At times, diagnosis done in Bihar hospitals is rejected by hospitals outside the state. Does it reflect a decline in the ethics of our doctors?

I don’t think that is the case always. See, it all comes down to the facilities available to make proper diagnosis. The diagnosis of a doctor, who has less technological facilities and limited laboratory equipment at his/her disposal, would have less weightage outside the state than the diagnosis done by a doctor who has all the facilities. The technological advancement and laboratories make for the primary difference.

Doctors in Bihar opposed the clinical establishment Act, despite it being implemented nationally. How justified were they in doing so?

In my opinion, the act should be, by and large, accepted and implemented without any problems. Of course, certain local modifications are needed in an act to make it relevant for a particular state. It is all a question of sitting around the table and discussing it with neutral mind-set.Opposing it outright is not justified.
