Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Paras Stroke Study – Only 2% Aware about the Golden Hour.

World Stroke DayStroke strikes 4000 Indians everyday, infact 1 in 6 people worldwide are expected to suffer from a stroke incident in their life. Taking the rising cases of incidence and the low awareness about STROKE, Paras Health conducted a specialized case study in two of its units – Gurgaon and Patna. In the Paras Stroke Study 600 respondents participated in Patna and Gurgaon on the awareness of Stroke. The respondents were of various age groups (above 18 years of age) and were sensitized about the aim of the survey. They were given bilingual questionnaires to answer.

World Stroke Day

The responses of the survey highlighted that only 2% of the respondents were aware of the Golden Hour in Stroke. According to Dr VS Mehta, Director Neurosciences, Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon , “ It is because of this lack of awareness that deaths happen due to stroke and majority of the people suffer from disability. If the patient is given medical attention in a neuro care hospital with in four and a half hours of the attack, disability can be averted and numerous lives can be saved.” The survey also highlighted that 25% of the respondents thought that there is no golden hour associated with Stroke. Hence the concept of fast preventive action  is absolutely missing.

World Stroke Day

The other major aspect of the survey highlighted  that 80% of the respondents in Patna  thought that stroke affects the heart and in Gurgaon 25% of the respondents felt the same. According to  Dr Rajnish Kumar, Unit Head and Sr Consultant Neurology, Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon, “This unawareness about the signs, symptoms about Stroke is responsible for its rising epidemic. People panic when they see an attack. The concept of FAST is alien to them. We need to understand that just like a heart attack a stroke can be equally dangerous.”

World Stroke Day

The survey was also able to highlight that people in urban areas are well aware of the fact that Stroke can affect all age groups. In Gurgaon 80% of the respondents highlighted that it is a major issue for all, where in Patna 40% of the respondents were of the opinion that it affects only the aged. According to Dr Abhishek, Consultant Neurology, Paras Hospital, Patna, “ Although in India, Stroke mainly manifests in the aged, however it can affect any one , any time. No one can predict the bursting of a vessel or a clot formation in the brain. Its best to be aware and be prepared. If you have a family history of stroke you should consult a neurologist about the risks.”

World Stroke DayThe most important aspect of the survey was the reasons responsible for the stroke. 75% of the respondents were not aware that Stroke is because of a bursting of the vessel in the brain or a blood clot formation in the same. Dr Anil Kumar Jha, Sr Consultant Neurology, Paras Hospital, Patna, shares, “ If you talk to people, they don’t know about the symptoms. If there is a change in facial expression, ability to lift the arms, slurred speech accompanied by some paralysis, it is a sure indication of a stroke attack. We need to sensitize the people about detection of symptoms, golden hour and the fast action needed.”

Every unit shared valuable insights with the respondents and sensitized them about Stroke, signs, symptoms and FAST!

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