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Asthma – All About Asthma, Causes, Treatment & Preventing Steps

Asthma – All About Asthma, Causes, Treatment & Preventing Steps
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in Pulmonology

Nov 23, 2024

Asthma is actually avery common but serious disorder that obstructs the airflow through the lungs and the airways and makes breathing hard, especially during an asthma attack. Asthmaisusuallytriggered by some factors suchas allergens, exercise, or changes in weather. Thoughit cannot be cured, propermanagement can be donebyeffective treatments and adjustments in lifestyle. This guide tellsus everything there is to know about asthma,including what causes it, symptoms, how to be diagnosed, treatment, daily routine, and prevention.  

What is Asthma? 

Asthma is a long-term disease that inflames the airways in your lungs. The airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. When you have asthma, these airways become inflamed or swollen, making it difficult for air to flow through easily. Sometimes, the muscles thatsurround the airways tighten, making the airways even smaller. This can cause breathing problems. 
Symptomsof asthma include coughing, wheezing, breathlessnessandfeelingof chest tightness. The symptoms can bevery unpredictable, coming and going, and tendtobecomeworsesometimes, particularlyinresponse to physical activity or at night. 

What Causes Asthma 

Asthma isdeveloped for avariety of reasons, butveryoftenthere is a combination of genetic (from the family) and environmental influences. Here isa brief overview of common causes and risk factors of asthma: 

1. Genetics 

Family History: If one or both of your parents have asthma, you are more likely to develop the condition. Asthma can run in families, and certain genes can make you more sensitive to allergens or irritants that trigger asthma. 

2. Allergens 

Dust Mites: Tiny bugs that live in dust can trigger asthma symptoms. 

Pollen: Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds can cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma attacks. 

Pet Dander: Fine flakes producedby a pet's skin can trigger asthma in sensitive persons. 

Mold: Spores in the air from moldcan also trigger asthma.

3. Air Pollution 

Air polluted byvehicles, factories, etc.irritates the airways, resultinginan attack of asthma. This is veryserious in metropolitancities where air pollution is encounteredmore frequently. 

4.Tobacco Smoke 

Smoking: Smoking, or exposure to secondhand smoke, can affect the lungs and worsen asthma symptoms. 

Secondhand Smoking: Smoke from other sources can also irritate the airways ofpeoplesuffering from asthma,triggering an attack. 

5. Respiratory Infections 

Cold, flu, andother respiratory infections,suchas RSV,oftenprovoke asthma flare-ups, especially among children under five years old and individuals with serious asthma  

6. Physical Activity 

Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA): Some people have an asthma trigger due to exercise or physical activity. This condition is termed as exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), causing the airways to constrictwhileexercising or immediatelyafter. 

7. Weather Conditions 

Cold Air:Someindividualsbecome sensitive to cold, dry air,and asthma symptoms areactivated. 

Hot, Humid Air: For others, hot and damp air worsens asthma symptoms. 

8. Emotions and Stress 

Strong emotions like stress, excitement, or anxiety can trigger asthma symptoms in some people. When you’re stressed, your breathing can become faster and more shallow, which can worsen asthma.Shape 

What are the Symptoms of Asthma

The symptoms of asthma can vary widely from person to person; some havemild symptoms, while others may experience more severe symptoms that interfere with daily life. Someof the most common symptoms of asthma include: 

  • Wheezing: A high-pitched whistling sound when exhaling, usually during theattack. 

  • Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity or at night. 

  • Coughing: This coughing is verymuchmarkednocturnally or in the morning and may be worse afterworkout or dueto exposure to triggers.

  • Chest Tightness: Theremaybe tightness in the chest, andthe patient may feel asthough someone is sitting on his chest. 

  • Increased Mucus Production: Airways may produce more mucus thanusualandcause coughing and difficulty in breathing. 

How to Diagnose Asthma 

If you suspectthatyouhave asthma, thefirstcourseofactionisalwaysto see a doctor. Thiscanbediagnosedby following the necessary procedures: 
1. Medical History 

  • The doctor will firstinquire about your symptoms, how often youencounter them, and whether there is a family history of asthma or allergies. Inaddition,your lifestyle, exposure to allergens, or smokingorotherformofpassivesmokingmight be asked for. 

2. Physical Exam 

  • The doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your chest andcheck for signs of wheezing or other abnormal breathing sounds. 

3. Spirometry (Pulmonary Function Test) 

  • Itmeasures how much air you can breathe in and howmuchair you can breatheout,aswellastherateatwhichyoubreatheout. This can help confirm asthma asapotential cause of your symptoms, as well as assess the function of your lungs. 

4. Peak Flow Measurement 

  • Apeak flow meter is a small device that canmeasure how fast you can exhale air. Thistoolkeepstrackof asthma over time and evenpicksup on early warning signs of an asthma attack. 

5. Allergy Testing 

  • Ifthe doctor thinks that allergies are the major culpritsbehind your asthma, they canadvisefor allergy testing. Skin tests or blood tests can be conducted to findoutwhich particular allergensarebehindthe symptoms. 

6. Chest X-ray 

  • Sometimes chest X-ray is required to rule out other conditions that could cause similar symptoms as asthma;thismightinclude infections or lung diseases.

What are the treatments for Asthma 

While asthma can’t be cured, it can be managed effectively with the right treatment. Treatment usually involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes to keep symptoms under control. 

1. Medications for Asthma 

        Asthma Medications aredivided into two parts: long-term control medications and quick-relief medications. 

  • Quick-Relief (Rescue) Medications: These aredrugsthathelp in providing quick relief atthe time of an asthma attack. The muscles covering your airways relax the patient. The most common quick-relief medication is albuterol, which is delivered through an inhaler. 

  • Long-Term Control Medications: These are usuallyadministered to avoid asthma symptoms and inflammation in your airways on a regular basis. Amongst the most common long-term medications are: 

  • Inhaled Corticosteroids: These drugsprevent inflammation in the airways andthus asthma attacks. 

  • Leukotriene Modifiers: These reduce inflammation and areavailableas pill formulations. 

  • Long-Acting Beta-Agonists (LABAs): These drugsmake the airways open for anextended period. They are often prescribed with corticosteroids. 

  • Biologic Medications: Biologic medications target specific parts of the immune system to suppress inflammation and prevent asthma symptoms in patients with severe asthma. 

2. Inhalers 

  • Metered-Dose Inhalers (MDIs): Theydeliver medication in a mist form. 

  • Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs): Theyprovide medication in a powder form. Inhalersshouldbecorrectlyusedsothat the drugisdeliveredto the lungs. Your doctor or nurse willalsodemonstratethecorrect use ofthe inhalers. 

3. Allergy Treatments 

  • If allergies constitute a major trigger, antihistamines or allergy shots (immunotherapy) may reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. 

4. AsthmaMedicationinEmergencyPatients 

  • Ifan asthma attack is very severe and aftermedications,thepatientremainsthe same, thenemergencycareisrequired. This can involve oxygen, IV liquids, or oral steroids.

What Diet Should we Consume in Asthma 

There'snosuchthingas an "asthma diet," but a healthy, balanced diet isrecommended to help improve lung function and reduce inflammation. Here are general guidelineson eating: 

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation in the body and support your immune system. Foods like oranges, berries, and leafy greens are especially helpful.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Foods high in omega-3s, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce asthma symptoms. 

  • Avoid Food Triggers: Some foods can trigger asthma symptoms. Common food triggers include sulfites (found in wine and dried fruits) and dairy products. 

  • Vitamin D: Studies have shown that vitamin D may help control asthma. Foods like eggs, fortified milk, and fatty fish are good sources of vitamin D. 

What Exercise Should we do in Asthma 

Regular exercisesarealways important for thewell-beingofpersonswithasthma,thoughitisdifficultsometimes. Exercise can sometimes trigger asthma symptoms-though often, itusuallyhas to do with cold air or over-exercise. People with asthmacansafelyexerciseifenoughprecautionsaretaken. 

1. Choose the Right Exercise 

  • Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling are usually easier on the lungs than high-impact exercises like running or playing sports. Swimming is particularly beneficial because the warm, humid air in indoor pools is less likely to trigger asthma symptoms. 

2. Warm-Up and Cool Down 

  • Always warm up before exercise and cool down afterward. This helps prevent sudden asthma flare-ups during physical activity. 

3. Use Your Inhaler 

  • Use your rescueinhalerbeforeexercisingaccordingtoyourphysician'sadvice to avoidworseningofsymptoms.

How to Prevent Asthma Attacks 

Though you maynot prevent asthma fromoccurring,sometimes you can reduce the number and severity of asthma attacks by taking the following measures: 

  1. Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid your asthma triggers. This mayincludeavoidingallergiessuchas pollen or dust, stayingout of smoking, or wearing a scarf duringthe cold weather. 

  1. Take Medications Regularly: Even if you feel well, youshould take your long-term medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor. 

  1. Monitor Your Symptoms: Keep track of your symptoms and lung function so you cannotice early signs of an asthma attack. Your doctor may recommend using a peak flow meter at home. 

  1. Get Vaccinated: Respiratory infections,suchas the flu, can exacerbate asthma, so vaccination can reduce your risk.

Which Specialist Can Treat Asthma? 

If you think that you have asthma, see your primary care physician who can assess your symptoms and refer you to the pulmonologist (lung specialist) or to an allergist (specialistin allergies and asthma). These doctorswouldbeable to perform a more advanced diagnosis and aidwiththe management of your asthma symptoms. 


Asthma is a controllabledisease,andyou really don't have to letit dictate your daily life. By understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, people with asthma can workto control the disease and prevent flare-ups. Takingmedicationsregularly, a healthy diet, avoiding triggers, and an active lifestyle make a big difference in successfully managing asthma. Always followthrough with your doctor or specialist to create a tailored treatment plan that suits your needs. But with the right approach, aperson with asthma can lead a full and healthy life. 

Note: The above information is a general guidance on how to navigate through Asthma. Before taking any key health-related decision, please refer to a specialist. To book a consultation, call us at 080 3538 3051.

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