Is Covid 19 Vaccine Safe
Apr 19, 2022
The whole world has been crippled by the COVID 19 pandemic for the last year. The new COVID 19 Vaccine for 18+ is a ray of new hope for everyone. COVID vaccine for 18+ is safe and more than 80% efficient in giving protection from covid 19 infections after taking two doses. Covid vaccination is voluntary however it is advisable to receive the complete two doses of Covid vaccine for protection.
Any person age above 18+ can take the covid vaccine, once the guidelines allow. Currently, the government of India has allowed covid vaccination for people above the age of 60 and for people more than 45 years with some comorbidity.

COVID 19 vaccine for 18+ and above is safe and more than 80% efficient in giving protection from covid 19 infections after taking two doses of covid vaccination.
Exceptions to this are as follows:
• The Covid vaccine is contraindicated for any persons who have had an allergic reaction or anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of covid 19 vaccines.
• The Covid vaccine is not safe for pregnant and lactating women.
Any persons who had a previous infection of covid 19 infections can take a full schedule of vaccines after 4-8 weeks of recovery.
Take two doses of covid 19 vaccine after taking the first dose second dose can be taken after 28 days.
After taking the covid vaccine some minor side effects like flu-like symptoms pain at the local site and generalized weakness can happen. These are minor reactions that can happen when taking any covid vaccination and there is no need to panic. These symptoms may be alleviated by taking simple paracetamol and plenty of fluids.
The 18+ Covid 19 vaccine does not contain SARSCOV2 and cannot give you covid 19 infections.
In India, there are two vaccines: COVISHIELD and COVAXIN. Both are effective and safe, and anyone can take only two doses of either vaccine.
This is a humble request to all citizens of India to take the covid vaccine, once permitted. There is no need to believe any rumors regarding the vaccine, as it is deemed safe. Do not panic if you experience minor side effects after taking the Covid vaccine, and it is advisable to take both doses.
Always use a mask and social distancing for protection.