Dr Jagandeep S. Virk has 11 years of experience and acquired fellowship training in Orthopaedic Oncosurgery from renowned centres like Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi and Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai in dealing with all kinds of bone and soft tissue tumors. He has gained expertise in Limb salvage surgeries involving resection and reconstruction with endoprostheses/ biological methods including using recycled autografts methods - ECRT, Liquid Nitrogen etc. He has also acquired expertise in Joint replacement surgeries including Robotic Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgeries and Complex Trauma surgeries from the prestigious Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore from where he completed his AO Trauma scholarship and fellowship training. He completed his residency and registrarship from Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh.
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