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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

AV Fistula Surgery Now at Paras Darbhanga for Dialysis Patients

The rising incidences of diabetes , high blood pressure and the lifestyle habits of smoking , drinking alcohol and obesity are responsible for creating an epidemic like situation of Chronic Kidney Disease. Patients suffering from kidney disease post medical management have to go through continuous sessions of dialysis – a procedure in which the blood is purified with the help of machines.

Paras Hospitals, Darbhanga is only hospital in the region to provide safe, clean dialysis car under the guidance of specialized nephrologists. Paras Darbhanga is also the only hospital to have specialists for providing AV Fistula Surgery.

AV Fitsula

According to Dr Prashant Kumar, Nephrologist Paras Global Hospital, Darbhanga, “Patients undergoing regular dialysis sessions not just need a clean and safe environment along with specialized care, they also need AV fistula formation for regular maintenance of dialysis. It is a unique procedure through which the vein and the artery can be connected through a catheter and the dialysis sessions can be carried out with minimum complications and long standing issues. It is a state of the art procedure that ensures that the pain and complications in dialysis is reduced. It also provides maximum patient benefit.”

Dr Anand Paderu, Unit Head, Paras Darbhanga further states, “At present there was no Kidney Transplant Surgeon available in Darbhanga. Patients had to travel to Patna to get their AV Fistula surgery. However Paras has come to the city with the mission to bring quality healthcare to the doorstep of Darbhanga. We are the first centre in the region to have the medical expertise, infrastructure and the resources to provide the same on regular basis.”

Dr Prashant Kumar, an exceptional nephrologist specializing in glomerulonephtritis,  nephrotic syndrome and kidney failure is the only specialist in Darbhanga with the expertise to perform kidney biopsies.

Dr Prashant along with Dr Abhishek Bose, Consultant Urology shall be providing support for AV Fistula Surgery and Saphenous Vein Grafting for Hemodialysis. Dr Abhishek Bose is also adept to perform CAPD catheter insertion which is required for kidney failure patients who opt for peritoneal dialysis.

Benefits of AV Fistula:

  • It has a lower risk of infection than grafts or catheters
  • It has a lower tendency to clot than grafts or catheters
  • It allows for greater blood flow, increasing the effectiveness of hemodialysis as well as reducing treatment time
  • It stays functional for longer than other access types; in some cases a well-formed fistula can last for decades
  • Fistulas are usually less expensive to maintain than synthetic accesses