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Press Coverage

Mar 2, 2024

Paras Hospitals Gurugram has Launched ‘Hausla’, a Dedicated Cancer Care Group to Support Cancer Patients

Approximately half a million deaths occur in India from cancer every year. A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, not only for the patient but also for family and friends. Just as cancer affects physical health, it can bring up a wide range of feelings a patient is not used to dealing with. Finding out that one has cancer may trigger depression, anxiety stress and the fear of the unknown. That’s why it is important to offer comprehensive support to the patients to boost their mental and emotional strength. To provide cancer patients with much needed social support and boost their morale, Paras Health has launched ‘Hausla’ a dedicated cancer support group aimed to boost fighting spirit and social support for cancer patients on 9th October 2021.

‘Hausla’ is more like a movement that aims to propel patients towards a positive and healthy lifestyle, boost their morale and mental strength and provide them with a group of friends to fall back upon to overcome the emotional distress. All cancer units of Paras Health (Gurugram, Patna, Panchkula) are doing it simultaneously at three places with local volunteers and survivors, where NGOs can join too. The cancer group will also include experts from different fields like diet, yoga, stress management, acupuncture, coping with cancer, nurses and entertainment.