Do's and Don'ts for Men's Health
in Urology
Apr 19, 2022
- Regular exercise and meditation- this leads to better health and positive hormones thus preventing many lifestyle diseases
- Regular meals keeps weight under control and prevent onset of diabetes
- Adequate sleep of at least seven hours is very important as healing of daily wear and tear occurs during sleep
- Plenty of liquids to excrete toxins from body
- Lots of fruits and fresh vegetables as these have lots of antioxidants and vitamins for keeping body healthy
- High fibre diet prevents diabetes, constipation and colon cancer
- Weight control is very important for preventing diabetes, hypertension joint problems
- Anger control to prevent excretion of negative hormones
- Regular health check-ups after 35 years of age is must to detect various diseases at early stage and to take preventive measures
- Take regular breaks from work to maintain vigour and enthusiasm
- Pursue hobbies and learn new things keeps brain health and prevents Alzheimer’s disease
- Have sense of gratitude
- Take help of doctor in case of any doubt and write all your questions before meeting him. Google search may give to undue apprehensions
- Get your prostate checked after 55 years of age as prostate is the second commonest cancer in males
- Enjoy yourself and do something for yourself everyday
- Testicular self-examination should be done after adolescence and any abnormality should be shown to doctor
- Clean your penis after retracting skin everyday
- Smoking as this leads to various cancers, hypertension and erectile dysfunction
- Binge drinking can lead to liver and pancreatic damage, diabetes, hypertension and obesity
- Illegal Drugs are very hazardous to body and mind
- Self-medications can lead to liver and kidney damage and antibiotic resistance
- Sugar and cola drinks are the leading cause of obesity and diabetes
- Excessive tea and coffee leads to increase incidence of stone formation
- Oily food lead to obesity, hypercholestremia and cardiac problems
- Packed, wrapped and preserved foods
- Excess salt leads to high blood pressure and increases incidence of kidney stones
- Unprotected sex can ruin your life with various sexually transmitted diseases and AIIDS
- Multiple sexual partners
- Negative thinking
- Discuss your myths about masturbation and night time ejaculations with your doctor
- Performance anxiety and unrealistic sexual expectations are the leading cause of erectile dysfunction